A.I. Enhanced Graffiti

More cool tech graffiti for your viewing pleasure. We’ve seen projected graffiti before (see posts below.) In my opinion, the AI is what really makes this pop by seemingly avoiding “boundaries” in the sense that it detects collision points. I could easily imagine this being adopted in a place like Las Vegas.
(Sorry for the vimeo)

[via: todo.to.it]

Previous posts on geek graffiti:
Projector Graffiti
Laser Graffiti
Light Graffiti

Projector Graffiti

This would be pretty cool to play with.

The simple explanation is that it’s a cellphone paired to a mac using proprietary software, custom scripting and graphics, and then the results are displayed through a projector connected to the computer. The whole system is mobile and with the right projector/beamer, quite bright.

[Source: TXTual Healing]

Previous posts on geek graffiti:
Laser Graffiti
Light Graffiti