Apparently I made a similar mistake when I was a kid. I told my parents, “look at these big worms!”, they in turn told me those were not worms, but baby snakes – whoops.
Author: Scott
I Dunno, I Kinda Like Tex-Mex
Lion Reunites With Old Friends
These people raised an injured lion from birth and then released it into the wild. After one year they attempt to reunite with the lion and see if it is doing okay. Once the lion realizes who it is, the lion loves on them like crazy.
Omni-Directional Treadmill: A Step Forward
The possibilties of an omni-directional treadmill seem limited when you first think about it. However, if you think about virtual worlds, you suddenly realize that such a thing could increase the realism of a virtual world, exercise, etc.
The Omni-Directional Treadmill (ODT) is a revolutionary device for locomotion in large-scale virtual environments. The device allows its user to walk or jog in any direction of travel.
Bose Suspension
The same company that everyone knows for high-performing audio products, also applies it’s intellectual assets in other areas such as car suspensions.