If your main source of news is from Fox News (Faux News), you’re probably considered one of the “sheeple” – a NeoCon who is completely out of touch and like having your information force-fed to you with a favorable slant.
There is simply too much evidence to post, so I’ll just post the latest I came across in hopes that at least one of you Fox News Faux News supporters will take a second to really digest what you’re being force-fed and use your own intellect to comprehend what you’re being told.
For instance, Keith Olbermann discussing Betsy McCaughey (R) claiming that the new stimulus plan contained health technology language that let the federal government “monitor” patient care in order to “guide your doctor’s decisions.” If she and other Fox News watchers knew how to read and think for themselves, and could just step away from the “spin” for a second, I’m not so sure this would be news at all.
For you Fox News supporters, don’t even try to make the argument that Keith Olbermann got his start on CNN and ESPN – you’re main Fox News lover boy Bill O’Reilly got his start on Inside Edition. Which is a better background? Tabloid, papparazi, Hollywood tale obsessed Bill or factual figures Keith?